Riti Kapoor Chopra


Attitude towards Life-Dare to Think Big

Thinking out of the box is easier when you give yourself an environment of inspiration and hope. This session enables you to:

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Develop a winner’s mindset and go-getter attitude
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Renew your enthusiasm and vigor to excel
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Display a positive attitude in all situations
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Convert adversities into opportunities

Globalization and Communication Skills

With new communication technologies and increased international business interactions, business communication has changed in the digital times. This session will help you to:

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Enhance business opportunities
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Understand different work cultures
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Develop strong professional relationships
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Communicate effectively with people in different time zones

Personality Development & Grooming

An impactful personality is all about positive attitude and clear communication that will make your persona shine and help you showcase your best version. This workshop enables you to:

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Be self-aware and know your strengths
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Impress with a positive and powerful image
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Attract support and foster collaboration
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Communicate in a manner to inspire trust

Building a Professional Image

Being and projecting a trustworthy and reliable persona has always been a sure shot way to speedier results in whatever you do. With this workshop you will :

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Increase your chances of promotions and being hired
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Exude confidence, character, and competence
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Enhance professional relationships
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Gain authority and respect

Motivation & Self-Motivation

When our personal drive to achieve our goals is powered by commitment, fueled with optimism, and backed by loads of initiatives, no goal is too small. This workshop enables you to :

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Have clarity and be decisive
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Power up your performance
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Be nimble, agile, and adaptable
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Take up new challenges with ease

Creative Thinking

There are seeds of creativity within every one of us. Curiosity, optimism, and imagination are the pre-requisites to tap into the vast resource within us. Know the tools and techniques that will :

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Activate your creative intelligence
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Introduce and adapt to new ideas easily
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Spark innovation to optimize teamwork
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Create a productive collaborative spirit


Business and social etiquette is a treasured skill-set that will get you noticed and accelerate your success. Genuine care, a good conduct, and likeability complement trustworthiness. Join this workshop to:

  • HIgh-Resolution
    Have an edge over others
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Enrich professional relationships
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Showcase a powerful personal brand
  • HIgh-Resolution
    Present impressively at high-stake meetings