Riti Kapoor Chopra

Self Experiential learning

Experiential Learning is steadily making its way into the corporate world, as it is an effective way to imbibe new skills and mindsets. Whether your corporate office has included experiential learning in their schedules or not, we have got you covered. Here are the things you should consider when it comes to experiential learning.

  • Research

As a working professional, you must be aware of the several ways available with respect to experiential learning. Experiential learning is a comparatively new approach and opportunities to add that to your work may be limited. Make sure you research about all the provisions in your field of work and choose the best for yourself.

  • The first step

Consider experiential learning as your first step towards a better learning and working experience. Understanding concepts through experiential learning can be the foundation for working better. Implementing the experiences and enhancing the efficiency of your work should be the ideal goal. One must understand that experiential learning is the first step of the entire working experience.

  • Consistency in Initiatives

It is essential for you to make constant efforts even if it seems exhausting. Taking initiatives to learn and work through experiencing things can sound like a lot of work but it sure is worth the effort. Once you start with experiential learning in one project, it is necessary to keep up with it in every project.

  • Simulation

Replicating real life experiences like business meetings or projects through simulation helps enhance the process. This helps employees visualize real life corporate set-ups easily. Simulation makes sure people understand the requirements, feasibility, challenges, competencies, and cost of the project.

  • Regular activities

Planning regular activities which include experiential learning can be very useful. It ensures consistency on the work front and the attitude towards work. Activities which can engage people in an enthusiastic manner are the most suited as they help you take a break from the mundane corporate life keeping in mind the work at hand.

  • Company Culture

Experiential learning is a highly growing phenomenon which is being widely used for its effective results. Introducing it as a part of the company culture is the best way to inculcate it in people’s daily work routine. Molding new professionals is much easier as they hone this way of learning as they go ahead in their careers.

Experiential Learning is a fresh, new, and efficient approach in the corporate world. Adding it into your work routine can be very beneficial in terms of an individual’s as well as a company’s growth. One develops a strategic thinking ability to solve problems and is less prone to committing mistakes. Taking up experiential learning as an adapting method can prove to be work culture altering.